19 May 2006

Buy This Book: Messrs. Fawkes and Dale need the money

Seriously, this is out today. You should buy it. These are the reasons:

1. The thinking behind it is fairly groundbreaking.
2. It will be a lasting memorial to the disastrous New Labour Project.
3. It will remind you what an unscrupulous bunch they all are (if you needed reminding).
4. It will make you laugh and cry at the same time.
5. Iain and Guido deserve to make a huge stash for thinking of such a great way of uniting bloggers against the Government.

and last and almost certainly least:

6. I contributed

I have "umm"ed and "arr"ed about whether to become an associate with Amazon so I can make a few bucks out of it. I have decided I will but will donate any moneys received to an appropriate charity (not that I am expecting huge amounts) - that will be my reward for the 1,000 words or so I contributed. So expect an Amazon link to the right in the near future.


Blogger Ellee Seymour said...

I look forward to reading your contribition, I have written something too, it was all very last minute. It is an amazing achievement, that something like this can be put together by bloggers so quickly. Iain and Guido are obviously men of action.

Hope the training for the run is going well.

11:42 AM  

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