15 May 2006

Did Cherie profit from flawed Human Rights legislation?

I have a recollection from a few years ago. I remember there was some controversy when Cherie Blair wrote a newspaper article in support of the Human Rights legislation. She was criticised for raising a political issue from which she would profit, bearing in mind that she had been part of a group of leading barristers who had formed the"Star Chambers" in response to, what was then, predicted Human Rights legislation.

I have tried to search on the Net for stories related to this, but you can imagine "Cherie Booth" and "Human Rights" seems to bring quite a few results - so if anyone has a decent link about this story I would appreciate it.

Now that many of the fears about that legislation seem to have been proven totally justified and have resulted in a much needed review, should we be asking questions about whether Cherie Blair/Booth profited from a piece of flawed legislation which she actively supported?


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