25 May 2004

Treatment of Iraqi Prisoners of War

This subject refuses to go away, and in many ways that is how it should be. But one aspect that I have not seen discussed is whether the maltreatment of Iraqis arises out of precedent set in Guantanamo Bay. It would be interesting to know which of the figures (of any Rank) involved in the supervision of Iraqi prisons have "previous" in Guantanamo Bay. If there is a link between the two, someone should be asking some serious questions.

Unfortunately, whatever prisons the Americans tear down and rebuild, the damage has now been done and the growing calls within the country for an early withdrawal of troops are now being added to by the Western media (arch culprit here in Britain is inevitably John Simpson). The question is, if the media get their way and there is an early withdrawal, will they blame themselves or the US Government for the inevitable bloodbath.

I believe (in the UK) we were deceived about the War, but if the Iraqi people are to reap the long-term benefits of removing Saddam then we must stay until there is stability and until the Iraqi people are properly self-Governed.


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