12 May 2004

Some Education stuff

Having said Education is something of a passion of mine, I thought I ought to post something about it.

I am a strong believer in the small state big people principle when it comes to education. Good leadership down on the ground is what it takes to develop well-educated children (which is about far more than getting kids through exams).

Over the last 7 years (and more to be fair) we have seen growing state interference in Education and it has stifled good leadership. I believe the state's role is really, really simple; Provide limited curriculum guidance; put processes in place to identify and deal with bad leaders; spot and disseminated good practice (not enforce good practice because what is good for one school is not always good for another); reward and make use of our best leaders; let schools get on with it.

Every time I have seen a good school the main factor is always leadership and never anything to do with Government. Government just confuses and makes life harder for bad leaders and, overall, just drags them down.


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