28 February 2007

UKIP - Archaic in both attitude and knowledge

This story is really disturbing. Denying someone with a disability the right to stand as a candidate shows what an archaic organisation UKIP is both in its attitude to equality and its understanding of the many ways there are to canvas.

What is even more disturbing is that the BBC News site does not even give the story a sniff.


04 December 2006

UKIP: Politics of the past

I had the misfortune of receiving one of Nigel Farage's desperate pleas for Tory Councillors to desert the Conservatives and move to a party with a single agenda. It is not something I would personally consider, but it did get me thinking exactly why anyone would want to move.

Firstly, their politics is totally adversarial, all about what is wrong with everyone else with never an admission that someone might have a valid point, as the truly dreadful UKIP Home proves. This is everything that people hate about modern politics and one of the things I see David Cameron trying to address.

But they also seem to be totally opposed to everything the Conservative Party are about, on the one hand criticising traditional Conservative values and on the other having a go at everything about David Cameron's repositioning. Why would anyone want to migrate to a party that has such huge differences with both the traditional and modern Conservative Party? Why would anyone want to migrate to a Party whose methods truly are a thing of the past?

Apologies for the lack of links - for some reason the link button has disappeared from the editing area of my blog - will correct later.
