04 October 2007

More Pro-Labour Spin from the BBC

This article about Brown's first 100 days would be really interesting if it was sufficiently balanced. Overall there is paragraph after paragraph complimenting Brown for the way he handled the numerous crises that occurred, and absolutely no mention of the criticism that was widely levelled at him, that his real method was to disappear from public view and only reappear when things were looking OK.

The only real bad points mentioned are that Cameron's speech marred his 100th day and that he has dodged a referendum on the EU constitution. There is a lame quote from the Guardian's Michael White about the blatantly political decision to appoint opposition MPs as advisors, but it is hardly a criticism (nor would it ever be from Michael White).

The most astonishing thing is that, by far and away, the biggest single mistake that Gordon Brown has made was the appalling way he politicised our armed forces by announcing (or re-announcing) troop withdrawals whilst he was out in Iraq. The article makes no mention of that.

Whoever edited and approved that piece for publication must have realised that not mentioning the criticism over his visit to Iraq was a serious omission, mustn't they?

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