26 March 2007

We shouldn't forget how good we are

I had an excellent week last week, made the point to me that, actually, we do live in a great Country, despite the dreadful leadership we suffer from.

On Thursday night I went to the talent show at Sir Harry Smith Community College (where I am a Governor). There was so much positive to say about the night, some great performances (including some rock music – always a plus for me!!), but the kids that came out to support the evening were fantastic; loads of enthusiastic cheering, but very few problems and no booing whatsoever. A great example of education working, which to be fair is a good way of summing up Sir Harry Smith CC.

Yesterday I ran the Reading Half Marathon. I met up with a few Internet chums from http://www.fetcheveryone.com/ on Saturday night for a Pizza, and we had a great time – not bad for a bunch of relative strangers. The Half Marathon itself was also a great event, not just because I ran my fastest Half Marathon (1:47:37 if you need to know) but also because of the way the people of Reading came out to support us. There were some really special moments from the supporters, including people dishing out jelly babies and a pub giving free beer to the runners en-route (I would love to name the pub, but I have the sneaking suspicion that what they did was not strictly legal). There was also an awesome finish in the Madjeski Stadium. When us English get enthusiastic about something like this, we really do it well – bodes really well for the Olympics.

Last night, after running 13.1 miles, I travelled to London to see The Eric Singer Project at the Camden Underworld, again meeting up with a few mates. Once again a good time was had by loads of enthusiastic supporters. Britain has the greatest music fans in the world.

Sorry to be so positive – will be back to normal tomorrow, I promise!!
