24 October 2008

The Immigration Minister doesn't speak for Labour Party

I watched as much of Question Time as my eyelids would endure last night. The criticisms made of Phil Woolas by Roy Hattersley made it absolutely plain that his view was that the immigration minister does not speak for the Government or the Labour Party on immigration.

There can and should be only one outcome if this is the case, his resignation would be a shame - but it has to be inevitable.

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29 February 2008

Does Stolen Conservative Immigration Policy Go Far Enough?

Well, it seems that the Conservative immigration policy the Labour Party tried to brand as racist in the last General Election has been stolen and implemented.

I suppose I welcome it as a step forward, but it is only that. It is right that we should make sure immigrants into the UK are able to demonstrate they will contribute to the economy; the points system will help with this. However, the major flaw is that we still have an open door to large tracts of Eastern Europe and unless our new immigration policy covers *all* immigrants there is little hope that it will engender confidence in the communities that are impacted by it.

Many of the misconceptions about immigration arise out of a broad distrust and dislike of the National situation and the open door to EU Nationals. A policy that ignores that is only half a solution.


19 January 2007

Apparently, it's link to Iain Dale day

Iain has asked bloggers to link to this item. Once again his comments are spot on and shows how distorted our immigration system has become.

To link it to my previous post; as an elected representative, it is incredibly satisfying when you take up a case where someone has suffered an injustice and get a result. It has happened to me a few times and it makes every difficulty and every frustration worth putting up with.

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