12 September 2007

Ludicrous Claims from the Lib Dems

I wonder if the Lib Dems Nationally are aware of the rubbish that is sometimes generated at a local level in their party's name? I wonder if they care as long as it wins a few votes?

A local Lib Dem writes a blog, under a pen name (I know - very brave). I refuse to link to it because it is full of absolute rubbish that means it doesn't justify it, but it is linked from the main menu of an official Lib Dem website.

His most recent piece of rubbish is this:
"are councillors really considering paying for legal advice over whether they
can reverse their own decisions to grant planning permission to a reported 35
turbines within the district?"

Not only would such an act be stupid, it wouldn't work and would cost millions. We have never, ever, ever considered this as an option. I suspect that this person has got his brain in a twist because we have decided to revisit policy so that we are making future decisions based on the current situation in the District.

We have a very proud record in Fenland. We generate enough energy from our wind turbines to provide the equivalent of all our domestic power. I personally am proud to have played my part in that. But now we have reached that position, it is right that we take a moment to contemplate our navels before we take any more steps forward. That is responsible, the daft claim from our local Lib Dems isn't.



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