After thinking about today's events at the Combined Authority, I have decided to send an email to the Leader of Fenland District Council to ask whether Cllr Nawaz was acting as a 'lone wolf' or with the authority of the Council and/or him as a Leader. I will publish any response that I receive. This is the email:
Dear Chris,
This is an open email. I will be publishing it on my blog,, with the intention of also publishing the response.
As you are undoubtedly aware, today at the Transport and Infrastructure Committee at the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority, Cllr Haq Nawaz abstained on the vote for the March Area Transport Strategy, creating some doubt about £7m worth of investment.
You are aware, I am sure, the concern I have about the negative, confrontational approach that Fenland Councillors seem to take when dealing with the Combined Authority and this is a perfect example. Not only does it harm the investment in March, it reinforces the message about how difficult it is for the Combined Authority to work with Fenland and therefore harms our ability to attract investment.
I understand that the decision may come back to committee, and I hope when it does the right decision will be made and also that you will apologise for the unnecessary delay caused by today’s decision.
However, I am not sure a simple apology is enough. I believe it is in the public interest for residents of Whittlesey to know whether Cllr Nawaz’ decision was made with your authority and knowledge, or whether it was contrary to your wishes. This is important because residents need to know whether the delay is because of a disjointed council, or a disjointed Conservative administration; it is certainly due to at least one of these.
As a potential Whittlesey Councillor, this is important because it impacts on the ability of Whittlesey to obtain funding for the Combined Authority; the less willing Fenland is to work with them, the less keen the Combined Authority are going to be to work with Fenland – of which Whittlesey is a part.
I look forward to your reply.
Best Regards
Martin Curtis