My excellent team of delivers and I are about to start delivering my 2nd leaflet around Whittlesey South Ward. A copy is attached.
There is one part of it that some people are going to absolutely hate. I don't mind - the ones that hate it will do so because it speaks truth. In it I mention toxic behaviour from some Conservative Councillors as being a major reason that we have had so many Council by-elections in Whittlesey over the past 13 months. I thought quite hard about whether to put it in a leaflet, but I believe I am right to do so. When I decided to stand for Council, one of the reasons was because I wanted to tackle this issue head on, and the only way I can do that is by airing the issue in public and stimulating a bit of debate.
I have never been afraid to tackle difficult issues, and this is something that needs to be dealt with.